Plot of the German fatalities per 100000 for people over the age of 80 in the years 2016 - 2022

The heigth of the rectangle corresponds to 1500 fatalities per 100000

Brown - 2016

Blue - 2017 Somewhat higher mortality in the beginning of the year then usual

Yellow - 2018 Rather strong flu season in the beginning of the year. A peak of mortalities can be identified around weeks 9-12

Red - 2019.

Green - 2020 This is the first "Covid year"! Only at the very end of the year there is a slight increase of mortality

Black - 2021. This is the second "Covid year"! At the beginning of the year the slightly increased mortality from the previous year continues! Towards the end of the year there is again a SLIGHT increase

White - 2022. No trace of a mortality higher then usual

Table of the German fatalities among inhabitans aged 80 or more in the years 2016 - 2022

Weeks 1-4 40428 49990 43095 43891 44403 59750 47771
Weeks 5-8 40039 53581 47747 46006 44861 48891 50192
Weeks 9-12 40899 43090 58302 46145 46089 42762 51847
Weeks 13-16 38305 37372 44260 41637 47155 43045 49398
Weeks 17-20 36869 37637 37247 39189 41081 42470 45154
Weeks 21-24 34229 35402 36208 38014 38966 41277 42165
Weeks 25-28 34389 34988 35639 37914 37601 39486 43623
Weeks 29-32 34111 34928 41603 39744 39256 40254 48473
Weeks 33-36 35242 34621 36473 37056 41270 41327 45127
Weeks 37-40 34704 36007 36287 37887 40465 42531 46675
Weeks 41-44 38462 37837 37262 40040 42218 47569 0
Weeks 45-48 40117 39057 39498 42396 48235 54872 0
Weeks 49-52 42982 41618 41793 43864 60708 55068 0

Number of inhabitants in Germany aged 80 or more in the beginning of the year

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
4729203 4941910 5150685 5389106 5681135 5936434 6111655

An increase of the mortality is hardly to be seen. Neither from Covid nor from the Covid "vaccinations". The influensa in 2018 was significantly more severe then Covid!